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August 29, 2004

Helpful Hints

Sunday, 29 August 2004

Hello, I'm Michael Nelson, the editor-in-chief for the Noreascon 4 daily newsletter, the Triplanetary Gazette. I arrived in Boston today and I'm going to try to report some last-minute pre-con news.

I want to start with a hint to improve your Worldcon experience.

At 110 pages, we have given up trying to pretend that the Noreascon 4 program guide is pocket-sized. So, don't call it a pocket program. Pack some highlighter pens. When you get your program guide, find a quiet spot and spent some time marking the program items that interest you.

Our program division has attempted to fill all available program space for the duration of the convention. Take some time to schedule each day or you could experience extreme information overload trying to see everything.

Posted by Newsletter Staff at 07:09 PM in 1-Pre-Con | Permalink


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