The 62nd World Science Fiction Convention

  • Sept. 2-6, 2004
  • Boston, MA

Program Brainstorming Introduction

  • This weblog is a place where you can give us your suggestions for Noreascon 4 programming. What great new ideas do you have and what things have you seen at other conventions that you'd like us to "steal"? (Remember, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.) To make a suggestion, please add a comment under the appropriate heading. Feel free to write a short description of the topic and even suggest appropriate program participants for it. If there's a lot of interest in a particular topic, we'll add a new heading for it.

    Please note: This is not the place to volunteer to be on Program. If you are interested in being on the Program, please see our Program Participant Selection FAQ.

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September 24, 2003

Film, TV, and Anime

This is where you can give us suggestions for program ideas relating to science fiction and fantasy film, TV, and anime.

September 24, 2003 | Permalink


Would love information on how to see the old tv show Johnny Sokkko and his flying Robot. Use to watch when I was a kid and would like to see the old episodes again.

Posted by: Jody Ridley | March 7, 2005 03:14 PM

I'd be interested in attending something on gender & anime. People frequently assume anime is all tentacle rape & therefore only socially inept teenage boys watch it. Obviously not true, but even w/the non-hentai stuff, gender relations in anime can be frustrating--but they can also be subversive & deceptive. I'd love to see a complex, nuanced discussion on this stuff (particularly w/other people who consider themselves feminists--more recommendations of shows to watch are always welcome).

Posted by: angela | July 26, 2004 10:45 PM

Fantastic ideas! Along Victoria Wright's idea of "Whither the Sci Fi Channel?", how about something on the success of the Farscape campaign (since we're getting the miniseries in October) and fan campaigns &/or the power of fandom in general, especially in the age of the internet? The internet is what propelled the SFS campaign, making orginization & coordination of efforts & resources easier & more efficient, enabling the campaign to function not only at the grassroots level but also national and international levels. Angel and Firefly fans are also organizing the push for their series' online. It might be an interesting avenue for discussion.

Posted by: Danielle Cormier | July 13, 2004 11:49 PM

There's a small Australian company ( making a movie of the Terry Pratchett story "Troll Bridge." I'm not sure when it'll be finished -- probably by September -- but I may be able to get a copy. I think it'd be in keeping with the tone of Worldcon this year, especially since Terry Pratchett's a GoH.

Posted by: Maggie | July 12, 2004 12:39 PM

Hi All
I would like to see/provide Ghost in the Shell info. I have the complete first season of the TV series and would like to see a panel on transitions from movie to tv series.
Take Care

Posted by: DJ rock | July 1, 2004 04:18 PM

Would it be possible to show any episodes from the anime "Planetes" during Worldcon?
(See Space Mission Updata for trailers)

Posted by: Brian Knapp | June 23, 2004 10:05 PM

Just remember, "you can't take the sky from me..." Yup, we're working on something.

Posted by: priscilla | June 4, 2004 02:45 PM

I would like to see a panel on Firefly/Serenity and /or Joss himself. Great stuff snuffed out in the prime of life by heartless right wing capitalist pigs (FOX). rant rave moan.

Posted by: Gwyneth Hannaford | June 4, 2004 12:35 PM

Panel: Remaking old classics
If they remade "Forbidden Planet", could they make it better?
Could you remake some the of B classics like one of my favorites "Them"?

I don't know whether this panel has been proposed before since this is a blog not a bbs.

Posted by: David J Van Deusen | May 30, 2004 02:44 PM

"Arthurian Theater, Film, and TV" [two hours--there is a -lot- of it] A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, Camelot, Excalibur, Mists of Avalon, First Knight, this year's King Arthur... there have been lots of films, at least on TV miniseries, and at least one stage musical, about The Matter of Britain. Some were direct from books -- A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, Mists of Avalon...-- some original scripts--Excalibur, First Knight--, and Camelot was first a musical, based on the novels in The Once and Future King, before coming to the screen. How do these works compare, which are the most "classic," which are the most worthwhile, and why?

"The Return of the Costume Epic?" Lord of the Rings, Troy, Pirates of the Carribean, and King Arthur, (not fantasy, but a big ticket costume epic) are all recent big costume epics, with large casts, lots of costuming, and modern computer graphics to limit some of the production and labor costs, and to do special effects impossible or financially prohibitive without them. How do these films difference from the big budget epics of the past, and what are their good, bad, and indifferent points? And are they good fantasy, or not?

Posted by: Paula Lieberman | May 4, 2004 10:55 PM

What will the effect of different countries creating anime style cartoons have on the industry as a whole? Korea's getting into the act, and I believe China has put a few as well.
American cartoons have made a slight jump to more mature content. Batman Returns and Men In Black were great, and Animaniacs and Hysteria were loaded with enough jokes to keep both adults and kids happy. Even the Batman: animated adventures and Batman and Robin animation were better than the norm and have a large adult fan base.
The styles between anime and domestic cartoons, however, are still different. As more kids grow up watching anime or anime based styles, they will naturally demand more of it as they get older (and with more mature content).

One thing I'd like to propose for a topic: dealing with the anime complex.
That is, getting over the misconception that cartoons are just for kids. Anime, if nothing else, has proven that it holds something for everyone, and is not solely produced for children.
Not that everyone thinks about it. My uncle teased me for years over the fact that I watched anime. I finally left him a copy of Plastic Little one night. He never said he watched it, but he never bothered me about it again!
Having said that, how do you change the perception that cartoons are just for kids, and can it even be done?

Posted by: Bill Todd | April 30, 2004 07:09 AM

Earth versus Anime - Anime has a distinctive way of telling stories (sudden shifts in tone, wild plot twists that characters just accept, inventive worlds and concepts, deliberately exaggerated elements, and fusion of concepts from all over are just some of them). More and more of the stories young people see are either Anime or influenced by Anime, so that's what they're going to expect in stories. Will writers need to know Anime style to attract those readers? Will movies have to go in the same directions? Will Anime take over the world?

Posted by: John G. Hemry | April 23, 2004 02:10 PM

I really like this idea, posted by Priscilla way back in October. Especially the "what can be done about it?" No question, people with other obsessions (like pro sports, wrestling, certain kinds of pop music) can be just as geeky as Fen (or worse; you don't hear about sci-fi fans starting riots in the stadiums, or needing fences to keep them from harming their rivals.) But they're considered "normal", and we're seen as, well, not.

Not to mention the whole issue of why SF/F/H is still perceived as other than mainstream. Is the mundane media paying any attention to just how many of the top selling movies and authors these days are actually genre?

>>Mundane Media and SF – Why is there so often a disconnect between the way fandom works and the way its portrayed in the media? Do they not get it or can they simply not get beyond their preconceptions? What can be done to get more objective reporting of conventions, SF books, media, etc.?

Posted by: K. Stoddard Hayes | March 30, 2004 12:21 PM

(1) Selected episodes of Good Eats with Alton Brown (the Tofu one on "food of the future" would be a natural). Lots of geek reference along with good cooking.

(2) News on Serenity, the Firefly movie?

(3) Sci-Fi's SF series: Andromeda, Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis, Battlestar Galatica, etc.

Posted by: lisa j. steele | March 29, 2004 04:19 PM

"A.E. Van Vogt, Unsung Father of Hollywood Sci-Fi": "Alien" and its imitators were inspired by Van Vogt's The Voyage of The Space Beagle ("Black Destroyer", "Ixtl", etc.); the producers settled for $50,000 out of court. "Star Trek" owes a debt to Mission to the Stars/The Mixed Men ("Lost: Fifty Suns", etc.); Gene Roddenberry read Astounding during the 1940s.

Posted by: Taras Wolansky | March 17, 2004 05:05 PM


Is there any interest in having any of the people connected to the movie, "Hellboy", at WorldCon?

Posted by: Andrea Delaney | March 17, 2004 12:59 PM

John Flynn and I are both planning to be at Noreascon and would be happy to be on any panel about films. As John noted in his comment, we compiled the Top 10 SF Films of the 20th Century and wrote a book on the subject (now being shown to publishers by our agent).
We had a good time last year. We would welcome the opportunity to comment on this year's batch of SF and fantasy films. I am a presupporter; my membership will be in soon. I hope to be seeing you at Noreascon.
Dr. Bob Blackwood

Posted by: Dr. Bob Blackwood | March 9, 2004 09:05 AM

Bob Blackwood and I conducted the poll last year on the Top Ten Science Fiction Films of the Twentieth Century. We have completed our book on this, and it is now with our agent, and wanted to thank all who attended the events at last year's Torcon.

This year, we are working on two projects, and would love to receive your response. We are researching the Top Ten SF TV Shows of the Twentieth Century, and would love to hear comments and suggestions. We are also compiling a list of Must-See Geek Sci-Fi films.

In terms of this year's programming...I would very much like to see and participate on a panel related to Spy Movies and the crossover they make to SF. I would also like to continue discussing Philip K. Dick's ongoing contribution to film. And what about H.R. Giger's ongoing contribution to film monsters. And lastly, Firefly was a sensational television series that did not get the credit it deserved in mainstream circles. I am a big fan of the show, and would love to see/participate on a discussion on the show. I am also thrilled by the news that a big budget film called Serenity is coming from Joss Whedon based on Firefly.

Good luck to the folks at programming!

Posted by: John Flynn | March 8, 2004 12:00 PM

Channel Zero, known as "Boston's most notorious video franchise" is currently between venues.
We were wondering if we could do some screenings at the World SF Con?

We have access to more than a few SF TV related oddities...and a few other things besides.

Abel Gance's "The End of the World" (severely cut down for it's US debut under the title "Paris After Midnight")for example.

Anyone up for a screening of Julie Newmar in "My Living Doll"? In which the future "Catwoman" plays an android under the tutelage of a randy Air Force psychiatrist played by Bob Cummings.
And then there is "It's About Time" a Sherwood Schwartz time travel sitcom (featuring Joe E. Ross and Imogene Coca) that has to be seen to be believed.
We've also go access to a variety of gone and nigh forgotten television pilots of interest to the convention's attendees.

Heck I suppose we could throw together a panel to discuss the more outre' material presented...that is if anyone is interested.

Well I admit this is a sudden proposal, but as I said we are between venues and are looking for new
screening opportunities.
Over the last nine years we've screening a lot of offbeat stuff in Boston, SF/super hero related pilots, pay-off scenes from various Japanese sentai team shows, "Shock Treatment" (the RHPS sequel)...Vincent Price in "Theater of Blood"..."Hercules in the Haunted World"...even an "El Santo" movie.
Well anyway if anyone in authority is interested drop us a line at:
John G.

Posted by: John Galligan | March 2, 2004 04:18 PM

How about a "Buffy/Angel Crossover Theatre"?

Several times the two shows had story lines which crossed from one series to the other, including one four-episode arc featuring Eliza Dushku which Ben Yalow has called the best story arc in the history of television. (Come to think of it, the two arcs involving "Faith", in the fourth and seventh seasons of Buffy, would make a compelling story, put together.)

The trouble is, after the original airings, pretty much the only way to see the crossover episodes in order was to buy the DVDs of both series -- and even then the release dates were months apart.

Posted by: Taras Wolansky | February 27, 2004 06:17 PM

I second a panel for Anime 101. I've done this at AnimeBoston 2003 and for Arisia 2004.
Many of you have been watching anime and didn't realize it. Remember Speed Racer? How about Star Blazers? Battle of the Planets? Voltron?
Those were all anime, and many of us watched them, so nobody is really a newbie. Anime, in the last 20 years, has gotten more popular, and it's tough for non-otaku to keep track of everything. I'd be happy to do a panel on this.

Posted by: Bill Todd | February 18, 2004 02:54 AM

It would be interesting to see CSA. Someone should contact the filmmaker to see whether they would charge us for showing the film.

Posted by: David J Van Deusen | February 13, 2004 12:36 PM

Will the films be presented in 35MM like they were in '89?

Posted by: The Hey | February 12, 2004 10:28 PM

I assume that CSA was one of the other three features at Sundance that Dennis Livingston mentioned in his 01/27/04 message. Currently living in the South, and being a fan of secret history as well as alternate history, I would like to see WorldCon as a possible venue for a screening of CSA.

This faux documentary from University of Kansas professor, Kevin Willmott, details what American culture would look like if the South had won the Civil War. The film website, still in its infancy, is

Posted by: Mike Kingsley | February 12, 2004 11:44 AM

The Discworld Casting Couch: Terry Pratchett has said that there is very little chance that a live action Discworld movie will ever be made, but a favorite topic among Discworld fans is what actor or actress would make the perfect Vimes, Vetinari, or Granny Weatherwax. Panelists could nominate their favorites (and tell why), and I would envision a lot of audience participation. Since this is a fantasy dream cast, actors who are deceased or too old now to play the roles would be fair game.

Posted by: Becky Thomson | February 11, 2004 01:51 AM

Anime for Bakas: basically a panel to introduce anime to non-otaku
Yahoo for Kaiju: Why we love Japanese monster movies.
Guilty pleasure flicks.

Posted by: James A. Wolf | February 5, 2004 05:50 PM

What about a field trip to the Lord of the Rings motion picture trilogy: The Exhibit that opens 8/1/2004 at the Museum of Science?

(If you organize a group, don't forget that some people are already museum members, or members of museums that have cooperative exchange privileges with the MOS, in case regular museum admission is required for the exhibit. However, of course, it would be advantageous to arrange tickets ahead of time en masse for both those who need to buy them and those who are covered somehow.

Posted by: Edward Finneran | January 31, 2004 02:22 AM


Not every SF or fantasy film has to be an effects-laden, multiple hour epic. Three SF movies that go the other way, helped in part by animation software, were featured at the 04 Sundance Film Festival and one of them – Primer – received the grand jury award for best dramatic feature (see,1412,62030,00.html). As one of the filmmakers, Marteinn Thorsson, says, "A science-fiction film doesn't need to be $80 million and use CGI (computer-generated imagery). Science fiction is about human beings interacting with each other and with technology, and technology has become part of who we are today." Is this one shape of things to come in the SF film world?

It would, of course, be terrific if the film program could show the three Sundance features and better yet if any of the directors could be part of this panel.

Posted by: Dennis Livingston | January 27, 2004 09:46 PM

I attended a wonderful panel on beta reading fan fiction at Arisia, but had to leave before the end. Could we have panels related to writing and reading fan fiction at Noreascon?

Posted by: Bonnie Kenderdine | January 20, 2004 03:06 PM

Would love to see something on "Secret Adventures of Jules Verne" -- if only because it was a decent show that got treated pretty poorly. I'm also wondering if some kind of "Whither the Sci-Fi Channel?" thing is appropriate. Is anyone watching now that they've axed Farscape, Lexx, and started doing "reality" series?

Posted by: Victoria Wright | January 20, 2004 02:19 PM

Especially Firefly......

Posted by: priscilla | January 18, 2004 11:08 AM

Would love programming regarding the shows of Joss Whedon (Jossverse!). All the Joss related panels at previous World Cons have always been packed and well attended.

Posted by: Chris | January 18, 2004 09:01 AM

Would it be possible to have some sort of tie-in with Discovery's Science Channel? They show medical programs, space and planetary programs, programs on gadgets (everything from microchips to Hubble space telescopes), etc. Possibly have them come down to cover an exhibit, etc. from NASA or such?

Posted by: Bill Todd | January 9, 2004 06:10 AM

How about some "comfortable" seating at these events. Pillows from my room and stretched out on four stackable chairs was not my idea of comfort at San Jose Con - but was the only way my back made it thru Fellowship of the Rings. Any couches available?

Also, can the entrance doors NOT be facing the screen - so that every time someone enters we all know it. And how about some fresh air - and deodorizers - or card the non bathers.

Posted by: Charlotte Konrad | January 7, 2004 02:23 AM

One Massachusetts fan who I hope won't be overlooked in the preparations for N4 is Shirley Maiewski in Hatfield, the former chairman of the Star Trek Welcommittee. I hope you'll ask her to do a retrospective of the Welcommittee's history, and perhaps Yvonne and I, as former Welcommittee members, could attend and contribute from the audience.


Posted by: Lloyd Penney | December 6, 2003 04:00 PM

Although I can agree that anime isn't completely mainstream yet, I think we can agree that it is becoming more mainstream over time. It is making its way onto normal television, and not just on program time relegated to small children.

Posted by: Bill Todd | November 7, 2003 07:10 PM

Retro Tech in Anime: Why does so much anime science fiction focus pre-electronics era technology? The giant space-traversing robots duel with swords, the Captain Harlock universe has wooden sailing ships in space, and the series The Last Exile uses huge manually driven mechanical gearing systems for giant skycarrier ships. Why all the fascination and focus on retro tech?

Posted by: Paula Lieberman | November 6, 2003 08:36 PM

TV Shows and Films We'd Like to See: The current crop of TV, film, and DVD shows include lots of retreads of past shows, spinoffs from comic books, quite a number of rehashed ideas, and the long-awaited live action Lord of the Rings film trilogy. What ideas and adaptions, that aren't being announced currently, would fans most like to see done?

Posted by: Paula Lieberman | November 6, 2003 08:27 PM

I would love to see any programming related to "The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne," a TV series that had fantasy, horror, even science fiction elements. Since it was shown both on the SciFi Channel and later in syndication in the wee hours of the morning it never had a chance to find its audience.

Posted by: Bonnie Kenderdine | October 31, 2003 11:13 AM

I would prefer that they didn't run during the main panel times but early enough for the some of the older kids to enjoy.

Posted by: David J Van Deusen | October 30, 2003 03:45 PM

That's a nice idea, David.

Curious why you want them at those particular times?

Posted by: priscilla | October 30, 2003 03:29 PM

I would like to see the original Star Trek “Trouble with Tribbles” episode followed by the Deep Space 9 “tribble” episode. I would like them shown 7pm to 9pm Thursday or Friday night. I could bring my copies of the video tapes.

Panel Idea: “rewriting the original”
Like Star Wars, is it okay, years later, to go back and add newly created scenes?
Like DS9 “tribbles” episode, is it okay to, years later, go back and redo a classic but from a different point of view with newly created new scene?

Posted by: David J Van Deusen | October 30, 2003 12:10 PM


"That's- the Protagonist?"

"Why do so many films and TV shows have dislikable lead characters--or at the protagonists really that offensive? Why did we get Wesley Crusher, John Sheridan, Deanna Troi, and Jar-Jar Binks? What would have been better choices--or were/are there better choices?"

I was not suggesting doing character bashing, but rather, looking at -why-

a) the characters are perceived as offensive,
b) why are these types of characters present in the show/films, what are the purposes -- in the case of Sheridan, JMS engineered the character intentionally as a tight-rumped straight arrow sort nearly martinet sort, for the transformation that was to occur much later up the timeline in the show, of human Sheridan into a Minbari. Presumably Wesley Crusher, who was part of an ensemble cast, was present for youth audience wish-fulfilment-appeal of bring-in-super-kid-for-identification, an excursion off MarySueHood. JarJar Binks was present to appealt to relatively young kids apparently,
c) are these characters actually effective at bringing in/keeping the audience that they're apparently pitched to,
d) what values are there for having these character--e.g., Jarjar Binks' supposed appeal to kids, Sheridan had a transformative role to play that the personality was key to, Deanna Troi's cleavage appealed to the looks-at-mammaries crowd [a coworker of mine referred to the character as "Miss Cleavage], and what if any positive values are there involved there?

Again, I wasn't suggesting character bashing, but focusing on what roles that characters that -some- of the viewer might find objectionable, are filling as regards plot arc elements, viewer demographics appeal, and values issues on the part of the viewers.

Posted by: Paula Lieberman | October 27, 2003 12:54 PM

The people you just mentioned were minor charactors, not "protagonists" actually. And rather than having program items that celebrate simple character bashing for the hell of it, Meredith's previous post goes into more quality possibilities...

Posted by: priscilla | October 20, 2003 10:48 AM

"That's- the Protagonist?"

Why do so many films and TV shows have dislikable lead characters--or at the protagonists really that offensive? Why did we get Wesley Crusher, John Sheridan, Deanna Troi, and Jar-Jar Binks? What would have been better choices--or were/are there better choices?

Posted by: Paula Lieberman | October 20, 2003 04:34 AM

I mentioned this at Albacon, but just to have it written down someplace:

Why we hate our heroes

This doesn't actually have to be a purely media panel, but it came out of Priscilla saying she hated John Sheridan of Babylon 5, and me observing that quite a few fans of Buffy and Angel the shows strongly dislike Buffy and Angel the characters. I've heard similar things about Star Wars.

So: first question, *is* it a media phenomenon or does it happen with books too? If so, why? If not, why not? What keeps you liking a narrative whose protagonist you hate? Do we get some satisfaction out of disliking them, or is it a detriment? Do we root for them to lose? Is it specific to particular characters, or something intrinsic to the hero's role? What other types of characters do we like and/or identify with, instead?

Posted by: Meredith Schwartz | October 15, 2003 06:56 PM

I agree with Marlin that it would be great to know about televised SF around the world. However, panel discussions would be pointless. Few of us would have seen the stuff (assuming it even exists). But if anyone has pointers to particular TV shows that are available dubbed or subtitled, perhaps the powers that be can figure out how to get permission to *show* them at N4.

Posted by: Dan Kimmel | October 8, 2003 03:53 PM

I'd love to see (and be on) a panel about our favorite giant monsters in film and TV. Johnny Sokko rocks!

Posted by: FrankWu | October 7, 2003 03:41 PM

Is it just my perception, or do panels on televised Science Fiction and Fanatasy tend to focus on British, US, and Japanese short and long form series? What about the rest of the world? I'd love to know what's going on in the rest of the world of televised S&SF. German? French? Russian? Thai?? Brazilian??? Argentinian?????

Posted by: Marlin | October 5, 2003 07:36 PM

>Does this mean that japanese animation is now >definitely mainstream?

Definitely not. And the recent change in Academy rules regarding screeners (i.e., tapes and DVDs sent to critics and Academy voters in the weeks leading up to the nomination) no longer being allowed ensured that we're unlikely to see another anime Oscar winner anytime soon.

I think it's fair to set the question as, "Did the Oscar win for 'Spirited Away' open the door in Hollywood to more anime?" There's an interesting discussion to be had (I was on one such panel with Bob Devney at Boskone this year) as to whether the ice has been broken. But flatly declaring that anime is now "mainstream" strikes me as premature.

Posted by: Dan Kimmel | October 4, 2003 06:56 AM

A Japanese Anime movie, Spirited Away, won an Academy Award. Does this mean that japanese animation is now definitely mainstream?

Posted by: Nico Veenkamp | October 3, 2003 06:05 AM

Super - I expecially like the last, 'cause it overlaps film and comics: breaks the walls.....

Posted by: priscilla | October 2, 2003 09:02 PM

Here's a whole bunch o' ideas:

Spy Fiction, Science Fiction – From “Spione” (1927, directed by Fritz Lang) to the James Bond movies, “The Avengers,” and “Spy Kids,” many of the best spy films have featured high tech gadgetry, evil geniuses bent on world domination, or other elements that could be classified as science fiction. Is it good SF? How have the concerns of spy movies changed over the years, and how is that seen through the filter of science fiction?

Lord of the Rings – The film series is over, the dust has settled, was it all worth it? A look back and assessment of the series as a whole.

The Matrix – The film series is over, the dust has settled, was it all worth it? A look back and assessment of the series as a whole.

Spy Kids – The film series is over, the dust has settled, was it all worth it? A look back and assessment of the series as a whole. (Just kidding.)

Asimov on Film – “Nightfall,” “The Bicentennial Man,” “I, Robot.” Are they ever going to get it right? Isaac Asimov remains one of the most important figures in science fiction more than a decade after his death. Yet unlike fellow writers in the pantheon like Jules Verne, H. G. Wells, and Philip K. Dick, the attempts to translate his works to the screen inevitably fall short. Is it the nature of the stories, or is the perfect Asimov film awaiting the right filmmaker? (Note: “I, Robot,” starring Will Smith – NOT as Susan Calvin – is currently filming and will be out July 2004. If it’s a masterpiece, we’ll have time to adjust the description.)

How to Run an SF Film Festival – People who have done it explain how to select the films, where to get them, and the problems involved in tracking down oldies but goodies. (I have definite ideas on who should be on this panel, including Skip Morris who has done this at Arisia and Lunacon, and Garen Daly, who runs the annual 24 Hour Marathon. We might have to give Daly a day pass to get him in, but it would be worth it as he has years of experience as a professional film booker and theater operator.)

Mundane Media and SF – Why is there so often a disconnect between the way fandom works and the way its portrayed in the media? Do they not get it or can they simply not get beyond their preconceptions? What can be done to get more objective reporting of conventions, SF books, media, etc.?
(Panel might include people with real world media experience such as myself, Ellen Kushner, etc.)

‘S Marvelous – After being overshadowed by “Superman” and “Batman,” the Marvel Universe characters having taken over the movies: “Spiderman,” “X-Men,” “The Hulk,” “Daredevil,” and more are on the way. What makes the Marvel characters different from other superheroes, and is that difference making the transition to the big screen?

Posted by: Dan Kimmel | October 2, 2003 05:49 PM

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