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The 62nd World Science Fiction Convention

  • Sept. 2-6, 2004
  • Boston, MA

Committee News Introduction

  • If you have items of interest or amusement to add to this weblog, please contact Leslie Turek.

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August 25, 2004

Program Book Cover Printing

A report from Geri Sullivan...

The Souvenir Book cover was printed on an offset press at Saltus, the printer who's done all of our progress reports. Here Jerry, the press operator, compares the color against the proof. My instructions were that I wanted the colors to "glow." I think they succeeded...

2PullingSheetRepresentive sample sheets are pulled while the press is running. It's then stopped while we study the results.

3DenistometerJerry checks the color with a densitometer,


5JerrywithSheetThen we go through the process again.

6FullPress5-color Heidelberg press. Or, in our case, 4 colors plus varnish.

7GlowingPressFrom glowing press to glowing sheet.

8IntoEnvelopeJerry packages up our samples; one is hanging at the clubhouse now.
